Club Officer Training

Online Meeting

Online Club Officer Training - Tuesday, December 15 Meeting link will be emailed separately before the training! 6:00pm: Login & Networking 6:15pm: Keynotes 6:30pm: Officer Training Sessions 8.00pm: Adjourn Limited Seats! Register Here! Contact: Jackie Law,, Division G Director

GREAT Events: Zoom Master Crash Course

Online Meeting

Since everything is now virtual, people have been having meetings for Toastmasters, work, family, and friends! However, sometimes it becomes too confusing or too difficult to concentrate on the meeting. This session covers the basics of how to maneuver Zoom as an attendee and an organizer! If you have that down, it covers how to […]

Club Officer Training

Online Meeting

Online Club Officer Training - Saturday, December 19 Meeting link will be emailed separately before the training! 9:00 am: Login & Networking 9:15 am: Keynotes 9:30 am: Officer Training Sessions 11:00 am: Adjourn Limited Seats! Register Here! Contact: Kalpana Aroda, Division E Director,

Club Officer Training

Online Meeting

Online Club Officer Training - Tuesday, January 5 Meeting link will be emailed separately before the training! 6:00 pm: Login & Networking 6:15 pm: Keynotes 6:30 pm: Officer Training Sessions 8:00 pm: Adjourn Limited Seats! Register Here! Contact: Kalpana Aroda, Division E Director,

DEC Meeting

For DEC team members and invited guests.Detailed meeting information will be provided to attendees.

Club Officer Training

Online Meeting

Online Club Officer Training - Monday, January 11 Meeting link will be emailed separately before the training! 6:00pm: Login & Networking 6:15pm: Keynotes 6.30pm: Officer Training Sessions 8.00pm: Adjourn Limited Seats! Register Here! Contact: Jackie Law,, Division G Director

Club Officer After Hours

Online Meeting

The Club Officer After Hours provides an opportunity to receive additional information and skills to create greater success in their clubs. It also gives them the opportunity to discuss any difficulties they may be having with officers from other clubs who might be facing similar challenges or have faced them in the past. It gives […]

Club Officer Training

Online Meeting

Online Club Officer Training - January 20, 2021 Meeting link will be emailed separately before the training! 12:00pm: Login & Networking 12:30pm: Keynotes 12.45pm: Officer Training Sessions 2.30pm: Adjourn Limited Seats! Register Here! Contact: Chandana Kalluri,