When I joined Toastmasters two and half years ago, little did I fathom the transformative journey that lay ahead of me. Toastmasters offers an impressive palette of opportunities that have allowed me to hone my speaking skills, build a supportive and extensive network, and step into leadership roles I never imagined I could handle. It’s not just about personal growth; it’s also about giving back to the community. Through various projects and initiatives, I’ve learned the true value of serving others. This organization truly embodies the principle of growing by doing and giving, making it a unique and enriching experience for all its members.

When called upon to serve, you don’t simply say ‘Yes’, but ‘Yes, Yes!’ ~ Anna Garcia

One such opportunity arose last year when Abhijeet Joshi, our Immediate Past District 101 Director, invited me to serve as an Area Director in Division G. As our Program Quality Director Anna Garcia often says, “When called upon to serve, you don’t simply say ‘Yes’, but ‘Yes, Yes!’.” With a blend of excitement and apprehension, I boarded this train of leadership, with our dynamic Division G Director, Hrishikesh Gokhale, as the conductor. Together, we embraced the Olympic motto, “Citius, Altius, Fortius – Communiter,” striving to be Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together.


Throughout the year, my fellow Area Directors and I visited clubs, observed their dynamics, and listened empathetically to their challenges. When needed, we guided them to grow stronger, fulfill administrative duties, and progress further in Toastmasters Pathways. Day by day, month by month, our Division added members, clubs, and educational goals, marching toward the prestigious President’s Distinguished Status. The journey was relentless, but our drive came from the relationships we built within our vast District 101 community of over five thousand members. In the fourth quarter, we were energized to give it our all for the final home stretch, culminating in the grand “Division G Expo.” 


I was honored when Hrishikesh asked me to lead the Division G Expo, which featured a Speakathon, workshops, and panel discussions. The Expo was an online event by Division G, for Division G, showcasing our unique, upcoming clubs. It provided a platform for members to achieve their educational goals and invited prospective members from around the world. We scheduled it for a Saturday morning to accommodate both the North American and EMEIA regional clubs. My first task was to source two keynote speakers from the US and India, making our Expo truly global. It was humbling when both Solarzar Dellaporta, a 29-year Toastmasters veteran and District leader, and Ajay Hiraskar, a passionate Toastmaster and life coach, readily agreed to speak at our event. 


My peers and I reached out to all the clubs in our Division to speak at our event. The incentive was that they would be evaluated by some of the best evaluators in the District. Evaluations are pivotal to Toastmasters, encouraging speakers to persist in their practice and fostering continuous learning and trust. Our first evaluator was Declan Shalvey, a versatile, two-time Distinguished Toastmaster, renowned for his success in District contests like the Fall Fusion Humorous Contest and Evaluation Contest. The second was Phillip Plath, an inspiring Toastmaster who has held various club and District roles and excelled in his service to the community. Soon, we had an engaging lineup of speeches from both new and experienced Toastmasters, an interactive discussion focused on mindfulness and health with panelists from the US and India, and a workshop that dove into the enthralling realms of generative artificial intelligence. 


The heartbeat of any successful event is its advertising. I enlisted our vibrant District Public Relations Manager, Shalini Kaushik, to post daily highlights of each speech, speaker, and evaluator for the Expo. Customized flyers, created on Canva, made our event colorful and appealing. These were shared on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Regular emails and reminders were sent out to encourage sign-ups. Over a hundred enthusiastic Toastmasters and non-Toastmasters from the US, Canada, India, and Malaysia registered. The three-hour Zoom event went smoothly, garnering appreciation from all attendees, including dignitaries from other Districts. Our community came together to learn, grow, inspire, and be inspired.

The Division G Expo was an unprecedented event born from passion, creativity, and a deep sense of service. Through this project, I learned the art of persuasion, planning, communication, leadership, and gratitude. I gained a new appreciation for the immense efforts of our District leaders, who cater to every individual’s growth. As a division, we learned the power of collaboration and the importance of community. By leveraging our diverse strengths and working together, we achieved remarkable outcomes. Our efforts culminated in Division G reaching President’s Distinguished Status, and our Division Director Hrishikesh Gokhale being honored with the Division Director of the Year award. The Expo was a testament to our collective ability to innovate and support one another, setting a precedent for future successes.

By  Prajna Shetty, Ventritalks Toastmasters