District Nominations
Check out the procedures for becoming a district candidate.
District leadership provides you with an opportunity to stretch and grow as both a leader and communicator. If you want to get the biggest bang for your Toastmasters buck and become a better speaker that much faster, you might want to consider running for election for one of the district leadership positions.
If you’d like to serve in a district office, please read the information below to familiarize yourself with the rules and procedures.
Election Process Overview
This page provides only a brief introduction to the process for becoming a district officer.
For a detailed explanation of the official rules concerning the nomination process, refer to the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII Officers and Protocol 9.0: District Campaigns and Elections.
Elected Positions
Elected district officer positions in District 101 include:
- District Director
- Program Quality Director
- Club Growth Director
- 6 Division Directors (A, B, C, D, E, G)
For the descriptions and qualifications for each position, refer to Call for Nominations. For more information about the location and geography of the various divisions in our district, check out our district club map.
Elections for these positions are held at the annual district conference in the spring.
All nominations for any of these elected positions must be submitted to the District Leadership Committee Chair (Kalpana Aroda) at dlc@d101tm.org. Candidates may nominate themselves (highly encouraged) or another member. Each nomination must include both a completed Nomination Form and a completed District Leader Agreement and Release Statement.
Further, all candidates for elected positions must attend a candidate interview session. Before the in-person interviews, all candidates will be asked to submit their biographical information and photograph.
Election Calendar
- Deadline for submitting nominations: March 10, 2025
- Candidate interviews: March 16, 2025
- District elections (Business Meeting): May 3, 2025
We are now accepting nominations for elected and appointed District Officer positions for District 101. Note that self-nominations are accepted and encouraged. Candidates for elected positions must declare their intention to run and submit an application by Monday March 10, 2025. Elections will be conducted at the Saturday May 3, 2025 District Council Meeting and appointments will be made by the elected District Director.
Please watch the informational video from International Director Radhi Spear to help District leader candidates demonstrate the Toastmasters core values for the upcoming campaign season. The tips will help candidates focus on their campaigns and avoid some common missteps.
Important Changes to the Nomination Process in 2020
Toastmasters International has implemented several changes to the official policy and protocol concerning district elections. If you have been a candidate or officer in the past, or if you have participated in a past election in another capacity, you might want to familiarize yourself with these changes. Here are a few highlights of these changes:
- All candidates, including floor candidates, for the offices of District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and Division Director must be evaluated by the District Leadership Committee (DLC).
- Candidates who are evaluated but not nominated by the DLC may run as a floor candidate — so long as they make their intention known in writing to the DLC chair no later than one week prior to the elections.
Appointed Positions
The appointed district officer positions in District 101 include:
- District Administration Manager
- Finance Manager
- Public Relations Manager
- Webmaster
- Club Extension Chair
- Area Directors
For the descriptions and qualifications for each position, refer to Call for Nominations. For more information about the location and geography of the various areas in our district, check out our district club map.
Appointments for these positions usually take place after the district elections.
If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact the District Leadership Committee Chair (Kalpana Aroda) at dlc@d101tm.org for more details about the process and the deadlines.
Mandatory District Leader Training
All incoming district officers must attend the mandatory training sessions, which typically will be held during the months of June and July. There are two different trainings, and district officers must attend both.