2022-2023 Toastmasters Leadership Institute

Special Keynote, Educational Sessions, and Club Officer Training (COT)

Saturday, January 28, 2023
8:00AM – 12:00PM PST

Keynote Speech:

“The Key to Success” with Verity Price

The Key To Success – a journey into the one thing that has created success for Verity Price (in TM and in life) and how it can for everyone else too.


About Verity Price:

Verity Price is someone who approaches life a little differently.

She’s gone from walking 1200 km across France & Spain in hiking boots in memory of her parents, to performing in high heels to packed houses in Nashville and New York.

From not having the money to record her debut album, to becoming one of the world’s first online crowdfunders.

From being terrified of speaking in public, to being crowned the 2021 World Champion of Public Speaking.

She is all about facing fears, finding your voice and sharing your truth.

As the Toastmasters 2021 World Champion, Verity captured the judges, and thousands of peoples imagination with her winning speech ‘A Great Read’ – an inspiring invitation to improve our lives by “writing a different story”.  Helping people do just that is Verity’s passion and today she is here to help us to do that.

Breakout Sessions:

“4 Ways to Write a Winning Speech” with Verity Price

Verity will conduct a contest preparation workshop where she willI share various World Champion speeches to illustrate her theory. This workshop concludes with a Q&A session.

“Club Marketing 101” with Kyle Hall

Is our club struggling with membership?  Do we know how to attract guests to our meetings?  Are our meetings and our members ready to receive those guests and turn them into happy, growing members?

Kyle Hall, 30 year Toastmaster and Past District Director, thought he understood club marketing.  Then his understanding of this critical subject got blown up!…and remade into a bigger, more robust vision of club marketing.

Come hear Kyle Hall’s Club Marketing 101 presentation! This is a primer on applying modern, common sense marketing practices to growing our clubs. If you are frustrated by your club’s lack of growth, you need to attend.  If your club has been stuck at the same number of members for years, you need to hear this.  If you think club marketing has to be boring, burdensome and unsuccessful, you need to be here.

You’ll leave this session with a different attitude about growing your club.  You’ll go home with valuable ideas, techniques and a remade understanding of how to increase our club’s membership.

About Kyle Hall:

If you look at District 101’s club statistics, you might conclude that our clubs need assistance with a fundamental skill…bringing in guests and turning them into members.

6 clubs have been suspended since the beginning of the year. 77% of our clubs are below charter strength (20 members) and 43% are at 12 members or below. 13% are below 8 members. Clearly our clubs are struggling.

There are probably many reasons why we are struggling… and what can we as club members do about it? Whatever we’ve been doing, we need to try something different. We need to attempt something new.

Our keynote presenter is here to suggest something new. Past D32 Director, DTM, Kyle Hall thought he understood club growth… until that understanding was shattered… and then made a new into a bigger, stronger vision.

Parallel Session to COT:

“The Rubber Meets the Road” with Kyle Hall

Toastmasters’ tagline is “Where Leaders Are Made.”  Do you realize this isn’t bragging…and it isn’t just a marketing phrase?  Toastmasters can assist us in learning real world, useful leadership skills…skills that are both valuable and marketable.

During this special meeting, our guest speaker, Kyle Hall, will tell us his adventures in applying skills learned in Toastmasters to the real world…changing his work, his career path and his relationships within his community.

Come learn about where The Rubber Meets the Road. We’ll walk away from this meeting understanding how to build valuable, marketable, useful skills.

About Kyle Hall:

Toastmasters can help us get past our fear of public speaking and become an amazing presenter… but did you know that Toastmasters can assist in learning real-world, useful leadership skills…skills that are both valuable and marketable?

Our speaker, Kyle Hall, has used the skills he learned in Toastmasters in both his professional life and in his community. Mr. Hall has been a business consultant, project manager, award winning salesman, and team leader. 

Questions? Contact:

Jay Mojnidar, TLI Chair

Nilisha Makam Prashantha, TLI Co Chair

Abhijeet Joshi, DTM, Program Quality Director