May 3, 2021 | Personal Growth |
How often have you accidentally started talking in a meeting and forgotten to unmute yourself? And how often have you purposely decided to avoid speaking up, because you lacked the confidence to make your voice heard? That’s the idea behind our theme for the District 101 Spring Conference – Unmute Yourself!
May 2, 2021 | Personal Growth |
The ability to think on my feet, come up with a cogent response, and smoothly respond helps me on a daily basis. In business meetings, I’m seldom taken off guard when my boss asks for an ad hoc report on project progress.
Feb 20, 2021 | Personal Growth |
Vocal variety is the way you use your voice to create interest, excitement, and emotional involvement. It is accomplished by varying your pitch, volume, and timing.
Jan 25, 2021 | Personal Growth |
We provide some practical suggestions to increase one’s professional network using Toastmasters and LinkedIn. Learn how to best share your Toastmasters experiences on your LinkedIn profile.
Oct 27, 2020 | Personal Growth |
Speaking with humor can be challenging, especially for those who believe they are not funny. We all have a sense of humor. However, many speakers prefer to keep that sense well-hidden for fear of losing credibility with their audience.
Oct 18, 2020 | Personal Growth |
I focus on how well speakers incorporate and demonstrate mastery of the skills from the Pathways lesson. As members progress, I still watch for the basic skills, but in a more nuanced way….