Evaluate Like the Pros
Arnie Buss, DTM
Carl Thormeyer, DTM
Carrie Glenn, VC5
Diane Bair, DTM
Tetyana, Margolina, DTM
Peninsula Pros Toastmasters was chartered in 1991 as an advanced club. District, Division, Area, and Club leaders have traveled through Peninsula Pros in their leadership and communication development. The stand-out element of Peninsula Pros is their round-robin evaluation of every speaker. Not only does each speaker have an assigned evaluator, but each speaker receives an evaluation from every member of the club. The only requirement is that you don’t repeat what someone else has shared. This process has given the members of Peninsula Pros unique insights into the art of evaluation. You don’t have to be a Pro to evaluate, but everyone can evaluate like a Pro. Join this experiential workshop to gain insights, tips, tricks, and techniques to up your evaluation skill set.