How to retain Membership in Toastmasters?
Rethink your Toastmasters membership!
Rethink your Toastmasters membership!
The WHY Series: You’ve heard the caution not to take the contestant path because you want to win? You can desire a win—that’s normal! But this motivation leaves you with a binary result–only one wins, the rest lose. If you take the path because you want to grow in confidence, self-knowledge, and visibility—win or lose, you always win!
The WHY Series: If you are hesitant competing in Toastmasters speech contests, let’s uncover why you feel that way, and talk about what you have to gain.
Does the flame of acceptance burn brightly within you? Can you look into the mirror and honor the unique person staring back, flaws and all? Can you extend that same grace to others?
The WHY Series: Each role comes with its challenges, but it is worth pursuing and learning! Learning happens when you are uncomfortable!
A journey of a Toastmaster – reminiscing my first speech