Toastmasters Leadership Institute

Special Keynote, Educational Sessions, and Club Officer Training (COT)

District 101 presents:

Toastmasters Leadership Institute!

August 25 & 26

Super Early Bird

$7 (expires Jul 31th)

Early Bird

$10 (expires Aug 21st)

Regular Price

$15 Pay on-site

What is the Toastmasters Leadership Institute?

The Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) is where Toastmasters from across the district come together to network, share ideas, and be inspired. 

This year’s TLI is two-day In-Person Leadership Institute event sponsored by Cisco Speaks on August 25th and 26th, 2023.

Cisco Speaks logo blue

“Enabling a world of possibilities”

 Why should I attend?

Every Toastmaster can benefit from attending the Toastmasters Leadership Institute! Regardless of whether you’re a club officer, you are welcome to attend, join in the fun, and meet the leaders and future leaders of your district. Even if you’re not serving as a club officer, “electives” are offered that cover a variety of topics. Register today for the Early Bird discount price. The clock is ticking!









August 25

Friday 12 pm

Sheryl Roush, DTM

Sheryl Roush, DTM

How to Earn Toastmasters Accredited Speaker Designation

Friday 5 pm

Sheryl Roush, DTM

Sheryl Roush, DTM

Hosting a Club Speechcraft™ Program: How to Attract New Members and Retain Existing Members

Friday 6 pm

Panel Discussion: Diverse Viewpoints


August 26

Saturday 8 am 

The Story Finder: How to Create New Stories in Minutes

Ed Tate Keynote speaker

Saturday 9:30 am

Sheryl Roush, DTM

Sheryl Roush, DTM

Market Like a Pro: How to Promote Your Club to Potential Members

Saturday 9:30 am

Pat Johnson, DTM, PIP

Pat Johnson, DTM, PIP

Road to Success: Success is a Journey

Saturday 10:40 am

Pat Johnson, DTM, PIP

Pat Johnson, DTM, PIP

Paradigm Shift from Community to Corporate

Saturday 10:40 am

Thinking outside the box: Community Club

Moderator: Anna Garcia

Saturday 12:30 pm

Club Officer Training (COT)

7 in 1 

Saturday 12:30 pm

Ed Tate

Ed Tate

Pitch to Win (Leadership Session)

Saturday 2:00 pm

Creative Leadership

Mix & Mingle: Ice Cream Social

Saturday at 3 pm

Hosted by Ashvin Patel

The Story Finder: How to Create New Stories in Minutes!

Most presentations are invisible, bland, and forgettable. They lack original material. If it’s
not a PowerPoint Parade–one forgettable slide after another, it’s a Data Dump –one
mind-numbing statistic after another! The only statistic people care about during this type
of presentation is when it will end!
In this session, You will:

Discover how to reexamine, re-energize and strengthen your existing content

Create a story immediately using a proven story-creation framework

Practice the 4 Elements of Effective Story Telling

Always have new material no matter how often you present to the same audience

 Learn 15 different ways to introduce your ideas creatively

Build confidence

Have lots of fun in this interactive accelerated learning program

Uncover Humor

Be the speaker that audiences look forward to seeing again and again!

And much more…



Ed Tate is an award-winning international keynote speaker, trainer, author, and former executive. Worldwide he is known as “The Speaker Who Energizes, Educates and Entertains!” To date, he has spoken professionally in 50 states, 25 countries and on five continents.

Ed won the “American Idol of Public Speaking”; becoming the 2000 World Champion of Public Speaking – Toastmasters International’s most prestigious speaking award among its 352,000+ Global members.

In 2008, Ed earned the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation by the National Speakers Association, It is the speaking profession’s international measure of professional platform skill. It is an honor bestowed on slightly more than 12% of its members.

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