2022-2023 District Programs

Earn District Credit and other rewards for participating.

Speakers Got Talent


A Speech Marathon with Feedback.

Get Feedback from veteran toastmasters. Deliver your speech to a different audience.

Speech Registration: https://tinyurl.com/speakerslot

Zoom Registration: https://tinyurl.com/districtgottalent

Eligibility: Pathway enrolled, Must be Pathway project, District 101 member, Max 11 minute speech.

Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Abhijeet Joshi, at quality@d101tm.org.


Bring a Friend


Your story and your help counts. Win Toastmasters International goodies for each friend who becomes a member in the club.

Deadline: May 1st, 2023

Questions? Contact our Club Growth Director, Raji Bandanapudi at growth@d101tm.org.




Complete your pathways mentor program before June 30th and earn a vacuum insulated bottle.

Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Abhijeet Joshi, at quality@d101tm.org.

Become a Distinguished Club


Receive your Choice of Educational Session:
  • How to Elevate Your Toastmasters Journey
  • How to Transform Your Club
  • Coaching and Mentoring: Why does it matter?
  • How to Boost Your Productivity
  • How to Gain and Keep Visibility at Work

Congratulations to our Distinguished Clubs:

Naval Postgraduate School Distinguished Club
Peninsula Pros Club Distinguished Club
Aptos Club Distinguished Club
Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters Distinguished Club
San Jose Toastmasters Club Distinguished Club
Adobe Fontificators Club Distinguished Club
VSF Toastmasters Distinguished Club
Sunnyvale Speakeasies Club Distinguished Club
Bay Blitzers Distinguished Club
Great America Speakers Distinguished Club
Mountain View Toastmasters Distinguished Club
City Shakers Select Distinguished Club
Toastmasters for Professionals Select Distinguished Club
True Talking Toastmasters (TTT) Select Distinguished Club
Classy Toasters Select Distinguished Club
Cisco Speaks Toastmasters Club Select Distinguished Club
nSpeak Select Distinguished Club
ToastNow Select Distinguished Club
Fair Oaks Club Select Distinguished Club
Toastmates Select Distinguished Club
Silver Tongued Cats President’s Distinguished Club
Saratoga Toastmasters Club President’s Distinguished Club
TGIF Management Club President’s Distinguished Club
Excalibur Toastmasters Club President’s Distinguished Club
Cupertino Morningmasters President’s Distinguished Club
Women L.E.A.D. Toastmasters Club President’s Distinguished Club

Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Abhijeet Joshi, at quality@d101tm.org.


Level Up


Earn $101 in District Credit for completing the First 4 Educational Goals from the Distinguished Club Program.

Deadline: May 31st, 2023

Eligibility: Only clubs that did not complete the First 4 Educational Goals from Distinguished Club Program 2021-22

Congratulations to the following clubs for Leveling Up and earning $101 in District Credit:

Cupertino Morningmasters
TGIF Management Club

Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Abhijeet Joshi, at quality@d101tm.org.




Earn any three pathway levels before May 31st and earn a triple crown pin.

Congratulations to our Triple Crown winners:

Ajay Mathur, PM2
Akin Soluade, DL3
Alan Chapman, LD4
Alison Morris, DTM
Andrew Bennett, DTM
Andrew Jones, PM4
Antonio Salituro, PM5
Barbara Saph, DTM
Beatrice Freeman, EH3
Brian Skelton, DTM
Bryan Gunton, IP5
Carlos De Segovia, PM4
Carole Simb, IP4
Chinazaekpere Ngubo, PM3
Cindy Lam, MS2
Claire L. Haynes, LD3
Clare Lawrence, TC5
Clare Obeng, TC4
Damilola Sangobiyi, DL3
David Howarth, EH5
David Lynch, LD4
Debbie Williams, VC5
Dele Ogun, VC5
Eddie Maguire, EH1
Eddy Quah, EH3
Elizabeth Queenan, PI3
Emmanuelle Rodrigues Nunes, PM5
Eve K. Holmes, PM5
Gina Rocque Drayton, IP4
Ian J. Watson, PI3
Jacqui Hogan, DTM
James Bargeron, PM3
Johnathan Kaye, SR3
Karen Bailey, PM5
Khuong Nguyen, PM3
Laura Baker, DL4
Lenka Pagan, PM5
Lucinda Brooks, PM5
Marcin Tolysz, DTM
Mel Cunningham, VC3
Michael Miles, PM3
Michael Weston, EH3
Paul Walsh, DTM
Pedro Casillas, DTM
Rafal Jablonski, LD4
Richard Honeyman, PM5
Rick Cooper, DTM
Rose Nakibirango, DTM
Roz Etwaria, LD5
Samantha D. Richmond, PM5
Saravanamuthu Arunan, DL3
Sean Will, DL4
Sharon Andrews, MS3
Susanna Smith, PM3
Sushil Rapatwar, EH5
Svitlana Samko, VC5
Tim D. Patmore, EH4
Trang Nguyen, PM4
Twila R. Stout, DTM
Urszula Kaczorowska, IP5
Vanessa Pochette, EH3

Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Abhijeet Joshi, at quality@d101tm.org.



To earn the District Credit for holding an Open House, clubs must:

  • Submit a publicity flyer or graphic using this Open House Planning Submission Form at least one week before the Open House
  • Submit additional information about your event using this Open House Final Submission Form no later than a week after the club Open House event. For example, the deadline for submission is February 7th for an Open House held on January 31st. Additional information include:
    • A photo or two from the meeting
    • The meeting agenda from your Open House event

Visit the Open House Resources page for tips and resources for planning a successful Open House. Visit the PR Resources page for tips, examples and resources to promote your club.

Earn district credit for planning and conducting an Open House and adding new members to your club!

  • Earn $20 in district credits for planning and conducting an Open House from January 1 to April 30
  • Add 3+ members from January 1 to April 30 to earn $30 in district credits
  • Add 5+ members from January 1 to April 30 to earn additional $30 in district credits


Earn an additional $25 in district credit as the club with the Top Open House in the district. Top Open House club will also earn a shout out at the District’s Annual Conference. Criteria for this competition is sum of:

  • Number of guests
  • Number of new members within 30 days of the open house
  • Number of PR strategies employed (Social media sites, promotions, etc)
  • Number of likes or share on social media posts promoting the event


Email openhouse@d101tm.org to submit your entries with subject line:
Top Open House 2023 <Club Name> to qualify


  • All Dual/New/Reinstated members added between January 1 and April 30 qualify
  • Clubs are encouraged to hold an Open House in order to receive District Credits
  • If a club has an anniversary in January, February, March, or April, the club can opt to either receive District Credit via the Open House ChallengeOR District Credit via the Amazing Anniversary Extravaganza Program for conducting an open house in those months, but not both. The club may participate in both open house programs by planning and conducting two separate open houses that meet requirements for both programs. Clubs can claim only 1 of the membership awards for new/dual/reinstated members added before April 30.
  • Submitting the PR flyer also serves as a request to post the event on the District Meetup site; however, the flyer must be submitted at least 5 days before the open house to be posted on Meetup

Questions? Contact our Open House Coordinator at openhouse@d101tm.org



Continuous improvement is a key aspect of the Toastmasters program. Renewing your membership on time will help pursue your growth steadily. Yes, the season for renewals is on. Steer your campaign to renew your membership upfront and earn rewards.

Renew 75% of your club’s base membership by March 15th and receive $25 in District Credit; renew 100% and receive $50 in District Credit.

Click HERE to find your Club’s base membership.

Questions? Contact our Membership Renewals Chair at renewals@d101tm.org.

75% Renewals:

  • Monterey Peninsula Toastmasters Club 934
  • Naval Postgraduate School
  • 831 Storytellers
  • Gilroy Toastmasters
  • Almaden Valley Orators Club
  • Trendsetter Toastmasters
  • Big Basin Toastmasters
  • Downtown Speechmakers
  • True Talking Toastmasters (TTT)
  • Sage Toastmasters
  • SCC Speak To Lead
  • TGIF Management Club
  • SCUMBAT Club
  • Panthers Toastmasters at Palo Alto Networks
  • Global Toastmasters
  • PMI Silicon Valley Toastmasters Club
  • VentriTalks
  • Excalibur Toastmasters Club
  • Intuitively Speaking Toastmasters Club
  • Orbiters Toastmasters Club

100% Renewals:

  • Peninsula Pros Club
  • Aptos Club
  • Toastmasters for Professionals
  • Silicon Valley Storytellers
  • Adobe Fontificators Club
  • Silicon Valley Advanced Mandarin English Toastmasters
  • Santa Clara SweetTalkers Toastmasters
  • ToastNow
  • Maps Toastmasters
  • Cupertino Morningmasters




Share your experiences and insights about why you love Toastmasters in a 30 sec to 1 min video. Submit your video to pr@d101tm.org by Feb 3, 2023 to be eligible. The top 3 winners will be determined by the number of LIKES garnered on all our District 101 Toastmasters social media channels.

Click here for details about the contest and how you can participate.

Questions? Contact our Public Relations Manager, Shoba Rao, at pr@d101tm.org.



Be a hero and start a new club to share the superpowers that Toastmasters gives us with others. Just bring your new club idea to us and we will help you make it happen. Contact our Club Extension Chairs, Rita Barber and Pushyak Kalkunte at NewClub@d101tm.org with your ideas and/or questions.

Special rewards for all our heroes!

Keep checking d101tm.org for the reward reveal.



Celebrate your club’s anniversary with an Open House!

  • Earn $20 in district credits for planning and conducting an Open House celebrating your club’s anniversary during your anniversary month
  • Add 3+ members within 30 days of your Open House to earn $30 in district credits
  • Add 5+ members within 30 days of your Open House to earn additional $30 in district credits

Submit a publicity flyer or graphic using this Anniversary Extravaganza Open House 2022-2023 form at least one week prior to the event.

Questions? Contact our Open House Coordinator at openhouse@d101tm.org


Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Abhijeet Joshi, at quality@d101tm.org.
Congratulations to these members and clubs:
Ashvin Patel, EH4 Adlibmasters Club
Sviatlana Yarmolik, PM1 Adlibmasters Club
Elaine H. Lung, DTM Adlibmasters Club
Juanita Dion, DTM Adlibmasters Club
Marilyn Pablo, LD1 Adlibmasters Club
Simha Musini ArtICCulators Club
Cf Su ArtICCulators Club
Vibha Uppin ArtICCulators Club
Bharti Gajera ArtICCulators Club
Siddharth Karnala, DL1 Cupertino Toastmasters
Andy Yao, PM1 Cupertino Toastmasters
Fei Liu, PM5 Cupertino Toastmasters
Rovina Suri, DTM Cupertino Toastmasters
Doris Tse, DTM Cupertino Toastmasters
Xianghong Ji, DTM Excalibur Toastmasters Club
Kate Plant, EH5 Excalibur Toastmasters Club
Xianghong Ji, DTM Excalibur Toastmasters Club
Charu Wadhawan, LD2 Excalibur Toastmasters Club
Frank T. Chen, DTM Excalibur Toastmasters Club
Raghunadha S. Raju, DTM Intercontinental Advanced Toastmasters Club
Elma P. Knowles, SR3 Intercontinental Advanced Toastmasters Club
Carol Tsang, EH1 Intercontinental Advanced Toastmasters Club
Mukul Jain, PM1 Intercontinental Advanced Toastmasters Club
Pramathesh N. Borkotoky, TC2 Intercontinental Advanced Toastmasters Club
Grace Camille Curtom Interpersonal Toastmasters
Ayushee Mund, VC2 Interpersonal Toastmasters
Raghunadha S. Raju, DTM Interpersonal Toastmasters
Aparna Prabhudesai, MS3 Interpersonal Toastmasters
VIVEKA TEWARI, PI1 Interpersonal Toastmasters
Pei Guo, PM2 nSpeak
Ankit Kumar Garg, PM2 nSpeak
Raji M. Bandanapudi, DTM nSpeak
Jay Rodge, IP1 nSpeak
Thenappan Nachiappan, PM2 nSpeak
Chie Kawahara, EH3 Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters
Scott Bradley Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters
Doris Wo Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters
Marq Lipton, EH4 Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters
Stephen P. Liermann, IP3 Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters
Heather H. Siao, PM4 Saratoga Toastmasters Club
Shoba Rao, DTM Saratoga Toastmasters Club
Gopal Patil, DTM Saratoga Toastmasters Club
Hema Raja Saratoga Toastmasters Club
Heather H. Siao, PM4 Saratoga Toastmasters Club
Gail Ferreira Silver Tongued Cats
David Singer, DTM Silver Tongued Cats
David Lim Silver Tongued Cats
Lixia Wu, PI1 Silver Tongued Cats
Angela Mendoza, PM3 Silver Tongued Cats
Hana Dave, IP4 Startup Speakers
Elvira Nurgalieva, LD5 Startup Speakers
07959084 – Name unavailable Startup Speakers
Gowdhaman Sadhasivam, SR3 Startup Speakers
Jing Conan Wang, VC1 Startup Speakers
Anna Garcia, DTM Toasters R Us Club
04357963 – Name unavailable Toasters R Us Club
Ashwini Kasbekar, LD3 Toasters R Us Club
Hari Cherupalli, PM3 Toasters R Us Club
Jennifer Sun, EH1 Toasters R Us Club
Ishu Anand Jaiswal, PM2 True Talking Toastmasters (TTT)
Princella Woods, EC1 True Talking Toastmasters (TTT)
Bhavesh Shah True Talking Toastmasters (TTT)
Natasha Sanchez True Talking Toastmasters (TTT)
Jeyakavitha Arulprakasam, PM1 True Talking Toastmasters (TTT)



  • Adlibmasters Club
  • True Talking Toastmasters (TTT)
  • Interpersonal Toastmasters
  • ArtICCulators Club
  • Startup Speakers
  • Excalibur Toastmasters Club
  • Cupertino Toastmasters
  • Amazon Cupertino Toastmasters
  • Women L.E.A.D. Toastmasters Club

Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Abhijeet Joshi, at quality@d101tm.org.



To earn the District Credit for holding an Open House, clubs must:

  • Submit a publicity flyer or graphic using this Open House Planning Submission Form at least one week before the Open House
  • Submit additional information about your event using this Open House Final Submission Form no later than a week after the club Open House event. For example, the deadline for submission is November 7th for an Open House held on October 31st. Additional information include:
    • A photo or two from the meeting
    • The meeting agenda from your Open House event

Visit the Open House Resources page for tips and resources for planning a successful Open House. Visit the PR Corner page for tips, examples and resources to promote your club.

Earn district credit for planning and conducting an Open House and adding new members to your club!

  • Earn $20 in district credits for planning and conducting an Open House from August 1 to October 31
  • Add 3+ members from August 1 to October 31 to earn $30 in district credits
  • Add 5+ members from August 1 to October 31 to earn additional $30 in district credits


Earn an additional $25 in district credit as the club with the Top Open House in the district. Top Open House club will also earn a shout out at the District’s Annual Conference. Criteria for this competition is sum of:

  • Number of guests
  • Number of new members within 30 days of the open house
  • Number of PR strategies employed (Social media sites, promotions, etc)
  • Number of likes or share on social media posts promoting the event


Email openhouse@d101tm.org to submit your entries with subject line:
Top Open House 2022<Club Name> to qualify


  • All Dual/New/Reinstated members added between August 1 and October 31 qualify
  • Clubs are encouraged to hold an Open House in order to receive District Credits
  • If a club has an anniversary in August, September, or October, the club can opt to either receive District Credit via the Open House ChallengeOR District Credit via the Amazing Anniversary Extravaganza Program for conducting an open house in those months, but not both. The club may participate in both open house programs by planning and conducting two separate open houses that meet requirements for both programs. Clubs can claim only 1 of the membership awards for new/dual/reinstated members added before October 31st.
  • Submitting the PR flyer also serves as a request to post the event on the District Meetup site; however, the flyer must be submitted at least 5 days before the open house to be posted on Meetup

Questions? Contact our Open House Coordinator at openhouse@d101tm.org



Continuous improvement is a key aspect of Toastmasters program. Renewing your membership on time will help pursue your growth steadily. Yes, the season for renewals is on. Steer your campaign to renew your membership upfront and earn rewards.

Renew 75% of your club’s base membership by September 15th and receive $75 in District Credit; renew 100% and receive $100 in District Credit.

Click HERE to find your Club’s base membership.

Questions? Contact our Membership Renewals Chair at renewals@d101tm.org.



June 2022 – August 2022 Training Period

Join the Lucky 7 and earn $50 in District Credit by having all seven Club Officers attend Club Officer Training in the June-August period.


  • Naval Postgraduate School Club
  • Bayview Club
  • Peninsula Pros Club
  • Steinbeck Club
  • Speakeasy Monterey
  • Oratory Otters
  • Aptos Club
  • Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters
  • Surf City Advanced Toastmasters
  • 831 Storytellers
  • Adlibmasters Club
  • Career Nexus Toastmasters Club
  • San Jose Toastmasters Club
  • Saratoga Toastmasters Club
  • Almaden Valley Orators Club
  • ToastItNow!
  • Big Basin Toastmasters
  • Silicon Valley Storytellers
  • Lumentum Toastmasters Club
  • Jade Toastmasters
  • WIP Toastmasters Club
  • Interpersonal Toastmasters
  • Cadence AHgorithms Club
  • Milpitas Toastmasters Club
  • ArtICCulators Club
  • North Valley Toastmasters
  • Cisco Speaks Toastmasters Club
  • Wry Toastmasters
  • Applied Materials Club
  • Next Step Toastmasters Club
  • Laser Sharp Speakers
  • PMI Silicon Valley Toastmasters Club
  • Startup Speakers
  • Maps Toastmasters
  • Leadership 101, An Advanced Toastmasters Club
  • Toastrix
  • Fair Oaks Club
  • Great America Speakers
  • Excalibur Toastmasters Club
  • Cupertino Morningmasters
  • Cupertino Toastmasters
  • Macintalkers Club
  • Mandarin-English Toastmasters, Mountain View
  • Intercontinental Advanced Toastmasters Club
  • Orbiters Toastmasters Club
  • Toasters R Us Club
  • Toastmates
  • Women L.E.A.D. Toastmasters Club
  • Multimedia Magicians Toastmasters

Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Abhijeet Joshi, at quality@d101tm.org.