District 101 and the PR Department are collecting short stories based on a quarterly theme to publish on our blog. We want to give people the opportunity to easily share their stories. This quarter’s theme is “Why Did You Join Toastmasters?” 
Since I joined Toastmasters in 2014, it’s been fun speaking and leading.  But most importantly, my Toastmasters journey has made me believe in myself.  In 2015, while working on my first International speech, my mentor Henry said, “Your speech is a gift to your audience.  You can change someone’s life with your 7 minute speech.”  Before I heard his words, I had spoken for my own benefit.  Speaking was an ego boosting thing: It felt good standing on stage, commending people’s attention.  But Henry’s wise words changed the course of my speaking journey.  My speech, my message, is for someone in the audience.  In 2023, District 101 named me the International Speech champion.  That boosted my belief that I have something to offer to the world.  My winning speech was about my own healing from abuse.  But the message was universal that must have touched my audience.  
Everyone has a story.  This year’s theme that you picked is fantastic.  I hope more people share their stories. 
Yuki Ascue

I am an enthusiastic person and I love to interact with people and know about culture and lifestyle. After moving to a new country with hardly any friends, building new conversations with people was really challenging for me. My husband encouraged me to join a Toastmaster club. He was an active Toastmaster in India. I attended Toastmaster meetings online, but I preferred  in-person meetings more than online. I made up my mind that Milpitas Toastmaster International Club has a vibrant supporting community where I can learn and share my knowledge and experience. I joined the club in February of 2024. I gave my icebreaker speech on March 25th. I had a fear of public speaking. As a non-native speaker, I had faced challenges in presenting myself in front of a large audience. I am improving myself and sharing my tips and learnings to my fellow Toastmasters. I hope my journey continues forever.
Thankyou for providing this opportunity.
Sree Vidhya 

One day, I found a Toastmasters poster near my home. They met every other Saturday, which was perfect for me. I contacted the club and joined in August 2019. I became the Vice President of Education for the term 2020/2021 and the Club President for 2021/2022.
I got involved in member recruitment, coaching members through their progress, checking in on members during the COVID-19 lockdown, organizing the transition from in-person to virtual meetings, and negotiating with the venue administrator to return to in-person meetings. I felt alive every single day, even during lockdown. My manager even commented on the positive change in my attitude at work.
I didn’t join Toastmasters with the goal of becoming a better communicator but rather as a way to heal. Unexpectedly, the benefits I gained from my Toastmasters journey far exceeded my original intention. It doesn’t matter what your initial reasons for joining are because, in a Toastmasters club, you’ll gain much more than you expected.
Junnie Lim
Submit your short story blurb to pr@d101tm.org by September 12, 2024 to make it in the next newsletter! Do you have ideas for future themes? Let us know what themes you’d like to see.